Arlington Comparisons To Neighboring Communities
When reviewing Arlington’s budgets, staffing, or policies, it’s often useful to be able to compare them to nearby or comparable towns. The Town Manager reports annually how Arlington compares to a number of nearby comparable towns and cities. I’ve researched landing pages for common services and a variety of police-related issues in all comparable and immediately adjacent towns to Arlington.
Corrections/additions appreciated - source data is in this CSV spreadsheet.
- (our town)
- Form of governance: Representative Town Meeting Police Links
- (comparable town)
- Form of governance: Representative Town Meeting Police Links
- (comparable town)
- Form of governance: Representative Town Meeting Police Links
- (comparable town)
Form of governance: Mayor / Council
- Town/City Annual Reports
- Annual Budgets Homepage | Budget Visualization | FY2020 Budget
- Diversity or Human Rights
- Records Requests
- Licensing & Permits
- Schools
- Parking Rules annual permit; $10 resident; $100 other)
- (comparable town)
Form of governance: Mayor / Council
- Annual Budgets Homepage | Budget Visualization | FY2020 Budget
- Diversity or Human Rights
- Records Requests
- Licensing & Permits
- Schools
- GIS / Mapping
- Parking Rules annual permit; $120 resident
- (comparable town)
- Form of governance: Representative Town Meeting Police Links
- (comparable town)
- Form of governance: Representative Town Meeting Police Links
- (comparable town)
- Form of governance: Representative Town Meeting Police Links
- (comparable town)
- Form of governance: Open Town Meeting Police Links
- (comparable town)
- Form of governance: Representative Town Meeting Police Links
- (comparable town)
- Form of governance: Open Town Meeting Police Links
- (comparable town)
- Form of governance: Town Council Police Links
- (comparable town)
- Form of governance: Representative Town Meeting Police Links
- (adjacent town)
- Form of governance: Representative Town Meeting Police Links
- (adjacent town)
Form of governance: Mayor / Council
- Annual Budgets Homepage | Budget Visualization | FY2020 Budget
- Open Data Portal (Socrata)
- Diversity or Human Rights
- Records Requests
- Licensing & Permits
- Schools
- GIS / Mapping
- Parking Rules annual permit; $25 resident
- (adjacent town)
Form of governance: Mayor / Council
- Annual Budgets Homepage | Budget Visualization | FY2020 Budget
- Open Data Portal (Socrata)
- Diversity or Human Rights
- Records Requests
- Licensing & Permits
- Schools
- Parking Rules annual permit; $40 resident