NEW! Read the latest updates on MBTA Communities!

The MBTA Communities Working Group (WG) has been covering a lot of ground in recent meetings, and it’s hard to keep track of what the most recent decisions are. Thankfully several Arlington residents have been taking detailed unofficial minutes of meetings lately. To help folks understand the context of different meetings, we’ve arranged all the information about each meeting together here.

October 17th Special Town Meeting

After the WG makes a recommendation, and the ARB reviews it, final decisions will be made at the Special Town Meeting starting 17-October.

September 11th Arlington Redevelopment Board Hearing

The ARB plans to review recommendations from the WG at their normal 11-September meeting, so expect a lot of changes and finalizations in the next couple of weeks.

August 29th WG Meeting

August 15th WG Meeting

August 8th WG Meeting

Reviewing the personal (and unofficial) meeting notes from attendees was immensely helpful, and show the complexity of proposals being made.

August 1st WG Meeting

The WG Reviewed several important new documents put out by town departments.

July 25th WG Meeting

There has been a LOT of discussion in town on this complex topic. If you’re interested in learning more facts about the law, and seeing what the Arlington Working Group has actually been doing, read the Issues Guide To MBTA Communities. The Issues Guide includes links to all WG meetings, news stories, mapping tools, and more.