It’s election day! If you have not turned in your completed (and signed/double envelope’d) ballot yet, do NOT bring it to your local polls. You must drop it in one of the three ballot drop boxes, so the Town Clerk can stamp it before bringing it to the correct polling place. (Confirmed from Precinct 12/14 wardens)
- Drop the ballot in it’s double envelopes into one of the black “Official Ballot Drop Box” boxes setup by the town in three locations:
- East Arlington, Fox Library, 175 Mass. Avenue
- Arlngton Center at Town Hall, on the front steps.
- Arlington Heights, ACMI Studio/Dallin Library, 85 Park Avenue
UPDATE The town has a new FAQ about voting by mail-in ballots and what happens on election day on the election news page. I also have a guide to all major race candidates.
We all know town elections are postponed until June 6th. While most polling locations will still be open, there’s a lot of interest in how to vote by mail with an absentee ballot this year, and questions about how to so, and what do do with your postcard.
NEW! Hear me explain how to vote this year on ACMi News’ latest election video coverage!
What Is Changing With The June Town Elections?
REMEMBER: check the Town Clerk’s Elections & Voting page for election information, especially this year, with their detailed updated 2020 voting information! Always confirm official election information with the Town Clerk, or for state elections, with the MA Secretary of State office.
How Do I Vote By Mail?
Due to COVID-19, state regulations have changed allowing any voter to do “early voting by mail”, which is almost identical to the normal absentee ballot. The Town Clerk’s office has simplified the process, by sending every registered voter a postcard with a prepaid return postcard - you should get your postcard very soon, if not already. The first step is to is sign the return postcard and send it back now.

FIRST: When you get your Return your Arlington Election Commission Ballot Request postcard, fill out the fields at the bottom, and sign it. Then drop it in a normal USPS post box to mail it back to the town clerk. Do not bring it to town hall, you should mail it.
SECOND: Wait about a week. Once the Town Clerk gets your request postcard, they will mail you an “early voting by mail” ballot to your registered voter address (unless you specifically listed a different address on your postcard). That may take several days in the mail, although it’s reported the Town Clerk is working fast on sending them out!
THIRD: When you get your official ballot in the mail - which should have an official town seal and come from the Arlington Election Commission!, take a breath and research the candidates. The ballot should look similar to ballots you get in person, but there are a lot of contested races this year!
- Bob Sprague’s Your Arlington has candidate profiles, debates, letters, and more.
- Arlington’s League Of Women Voters has candidate profiles for most (but not all).
FOURTH: Fill out the official ballot carefully - it will be difficult to get a replacement. Remember that some races you get a single vote; some races you get two or more votes. Double check your votes.
- Carefully put your official ballot into the manilla (brown colored) envelope. Sign the manilla envelope, then clearly write your name and registered voting address (your street address in Arlington), and seal the envelope.
- Carefully put the completed manilla envelope inside the white envelope, and seal it.
Mail it back via the USPS; use 70cents in stamps to ensure it’s not returned (large envelopes cost more). Remember to allow for mailing delays; ballots must get to the Town Clerk in time to be counted!NOTE: at this late date, it’s strongly recommended to put it in a ballot drop box instead!- Drop the ballot in it’s double envelopes into one of the black “Official Ballot Drop Box” boxes setup by the town in three locations:
- East Arlington, Fox Library, 175 Mass. Avenue
- Arlngton Center at Town Hall, on the front steps.
- Arlington Heights, ACMI Studio/Dallin Library, 85 Park Avenue

UPDATE Two Ballot Boxes were moved a week ago for security reasons; the map links above are the new locations, and the one of ACMi ata 58 Park is updated, but I haven’t updated the East Arlington picture yet. I’ll try to go out soon to take new pictures!
Phew, you’re done! Sorry, I don’t know where they’ll be handing out I Voted stickers for vote-by-mail!
Voting In Person - Yes, You Can!
Even with COVID-19, yes, you still can cast a ballot in person on June 6th if you don’t vote by mail! Current reports show that most polling places will be open on Saturday, June 6th, although a few polls will be moved to other polling locations. Stay tuned to the Town Clerk’s Elections page to see which locations are being moved.
Reminder: Town Meeting is also be postponed until after the election.