Looking to volunteer, or need help from neighbors? Please checkout https://mutualaidarlington.org!
It’s Official: State of Emergency Almost EverywherePermalink
- US Federal State of Emergency (NYTimes article, free to read)
- Commonwealth of Massachusetts State of Emergency declared 10-March: Detailed state news updates, Detailed list of state-recommended closures.
- Town of Arlington COVID-19 emergency update news, updated with new info daily.
- MassLive news site list of open/close categories of businesses.
Health news: Coronavirus survivability timelines for different surfaces, via NPR based on a new scientific study.
What’s Open - GroceriesPermalink
Grocery stores should still be open - but check their hours; many are closing early so their staff can clean and restock. Note that low supplies should be a temporary issue while supply chains catch up; some ideas for ordering delivery.
- How to Sanitize your groceries when you bring them inside, from Consumer Reports.
- Stop & Shop, +1-781-646-3625, now open 8AM - 8PM, Stop & Shop COVID update, Open early for seniors 60+ ONLY 6AM-7:30AM
- Trader Joes, +1-781-646-9138, now closing at 7PM, Trader Joe’s COVID update
- Whole Foods, +1-781-777-7200, limits on prepared food bar hours, see Whole Foods COVID Update
What’s Open - PharmaciesPermalink
Pharmacies will still be open - but check hours, and please call the pharmacist if you just have questions.
- Stop & Shop pharmacy, +1-781-643-3267, hours still reported to be 9AM - 7PM (5PM weekends)
- CVS offers free 1-2 day Rx delivery - new program!
- CVS - by high school - 833 Mass Ave, +1-781-643-4272
- CVS - Cambridge line - 23 Mass Ave, +1-781-648-0557
- Walgreens offers free Rx shipping
- Walgreens - East Arlington - 324 Mass Ave, +1-781-643-4112
- Walgreens - by Trader Joes - 1425 Mass Ave, +1-781-646-3869
What’s Open - Delivery ServicesPermalink
- Instacart has a new Leave At The Door feature.
- Peapod sounds like they’re having issues with timely deliveries
- Wilson Farm now offers delivery through Mercato
- Whole Foods and Amazon as always offer a variety of deliveries to Prime members; personally, all non-crisis things are still being delivered on time, although finding things like oatmeal or rice available is now difficult (for the short term; long term, it’ll be fine). Amazon Fresh reportedly is hard to get a delivery from (scheduling out more than 3 days!).
What’s Closed & State ChangesPermalink
Per the MA Emergency Declaration and Town of Arlington updates (note: check back, both sites updated daily!)
- Arlington playgrounds are all closed (per the Town): here’s the CDC FAQs about COVID-19 and children
- Arlington town offices are closed to in-person visits; please call or email: town phone directory
- No sitdown eating in restaurants; only takeout thru 17-April (at least)
- No gatherings of more than 25 people
- All K-12 schools, public or private, closed until at least 6-April
- Visitors restricted at hospital and assisted living facilities, and nursing homes, and also hospital elective procedures are limited
- Telehealth accessibility and no-cost orders are in place for remote medicine (you should expect to call your doctor, not go into the office unless you have a confirmed appointment)
- Open Meeting Laws are modified, to allow town meetings without physical presence
- RMV extends certain renewals that require going to the office in person.
Other Closures Expected
- Essentially all local libraries are closed
- Most businesses are moving to remote work when possible; it’s a good idea to call ahead these days
- Capitol Theater is officially closed
- The Book Rack is closed to customers, but still taking phone/online orders
- Belmont Books is similarly closed, but also offers free delivery
Resource Lists - Where To Get HelpPermalink
- I have more science and resource lists in my covid-info post
- Looking for books? Libraries are closed, but they offer online app checkouts, and I list some great bookstores with free delivery.
- Use Email? Sign up for The Arlington List for tons of help.
- Use Facebook? Sign up for the many great Arlington-related groups - note these are private groups and you’ll have to wait for an admin to approve you joining.
- The Arlington List (not directly related to the email one)
- Arlington Parents with lots of great kid information
- Arlington, MA Helps: Coronavirus/COVID-19 Community Support specifically focused on coordinating volunteer efforts in town
- Everything Is Free Arlington where friendly neighbors swap everything for free (NOTE: restricted to only essential items during our current stay at home orders, to prevent spread of the pandemic)
- Vibrant Arlington where neighbors post photos and tips about businesses that are still open during the pandemic (mostly restaurants with takeout - yum!)
Other Great Resources? What Should I Add?Permalink
If you have other good resources, or just a topic that you’re looking for a simple guide to where to find things, let me know - I’m looking to research more issues that people are having a hard time understanding around Coronavirus.
If you’re on Github’: just click “Propose change on GitHub” to make a PR. Otherwise, email shane@menotomymatters.com with your suggestions.
Thanks for reading!