Looking to volunteer, or need help from neighbors? Please checkout https://mutualaidarlington.org!

It’s Official: State of Emergency Almost EverywherePermalink

Health news: Coronavirus survivability timelines for different surfaces, via NPR based on a new scientific study.

What’s Open - GroceriesPermalink

Grocery stores should still be open - but check their hours; many are closing early so their staff can clean and restock. Note that low supplies should be a temporary issue while supply chains catch up; some ideas for ordering delivery.

What’s Open - PharmaciesPermalink

Pharmacies will still be open - but check hours, and please call the pharmacist if you just have questions.

What’s Open - Delivery ServicesPermalink

  • Instacart has a new Leave At The Door feature.
  • Peapod sounds like they’re having issues with timely deliveries
  • Wilson Farm now offers delivery through Mercato
  • Whole Foods and Amazon as always offer a variety of deliveries to Prime members; personally, all non-crisis things are still being delivered on time, although finding things like oatmeal or rice available is now difficult (for the short term; long term, it’ll be fine). Amazon Fresh reportedly is hard to get a delivery from (scheduling out more than 3 days!).

What’s Closed & State ChangesPermalink

Per the MA Emergency Declaration and Town of Arlington updates (note: check back, both sites updated daily!)

Other Closures Expected

Resource Lists - Where To Get HelpPermalink

Other Great Resources? What Should I Add?Permalink

If you have other good resources, or just a topic that you’re looking for a simple guide to where to find things, let me know - I’m looking to research more issues that people are having a hard time understanding around Coronavirus.

If you’re on Github’: just click “Propose change on GitHub” to make a PR. Otherwise, email shane@menotomymatters.com with your suggestions.

Thanks for reading!